I need to do a Http post of some strings to a web service. I am using KSoap.
protected JSONObject doInBackground(JSONObject... params) {
It seems you are having the same issue i had. I spend a lot of time debugging my code but this question solve all my issues-> Your server is accessible from the public internet? android why sending information to server works with WIFI only?
Basically in some remote area 3G connectivity is not as much speed like wifi. Try to check your 3G is providing you sequence of data connection. If not, then it fails to "post"
Next, you have to check the posting time limit. If you take too much time to post,its common to get error while posting. Try to give some maximum time limit in-order to post huge data
Instead of using asyn, try to use Handlers or service class to upload something in background.
Since i'm beginner to android,this are all the options in my mind. It will be more helpful for us if something beyond to this.