I\'m trying to find a record within MongoDB, and filter _id
from the result.
Here is my code:
@app.route(\'/login\', methods = [
it is the best way for avoiding id,
data = db.author.find_one({'email' : email, 'password' : password},{"password":1, "email":1, "name":1,"_id": False})
now you got ANSWER "{'password': '123123', 'name': 'prakash', 'email': 'prakashprabhu48@gmail.com'}"(without id)
You need to specify the field you want to return using projection.
data = db.author.find_one({'email' : email, 'password' : password}, {'_id': 1})
You need to pass the second object in your query. First parameter is a select clause, whereas the second one is a projection.
See MongoDB docs for details: https://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/project-fields-from-query-results/