I have posted a question few days ago about Querying on collections with the Criteria API and after all the answers I see that the thing that I am trying is not possible wit
I have sent an email to Ayende Rahien about the issue and thank to him for replying.He said that
the answer is that there is no such tool, but conversion is usually pretty easy.
What version of nHibernate are you using? I think using the latest version might solve your problem as the 2.0 GA has a lot of breaking changes.
I have modified the Hibernate Criteria API to generate JPQL queries by trying to preserve the interface mostly similar. Name of my project is Criteria2JPQL at:
Since this translation is a simple in-memory operation that generates a standard JPQL query, there is not a considerable performance problem. On the other hand, the idea of this project has originated from the poor performing native sql queries of Hibernate Critera including lots of unnecessary joins. We have experienced using Criteria2JPQL in our project at my company and observed those unnecessary joins disappeared.
reposting from the hibernate forums... not sure if it is relevant to nhibernate or up to date
from: max Hibernate Team
Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 7:12 am
it is a very stubborn folklore that criteria translates to HQL. Criteria goes directly to SQL, but there is no direct public api to get it programmatically.
translating twice isn't very efficient ;)