Today when i tried to renew my certificates using this command I\'m facing error
/opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto renew --config /etc/letse
sudo pip uninstall zope.interface
and reinstall zope.interface
sudo pip install zope.interface
Part of the issue for me was related to some strange default behavior around 64 bit packages installing, but not being picked up by python. After getting this issue [it's mostly installed at this point], run the following [assuming it tries to install in /root/.local/share/letsencrypt/]
cd /root/.local/share/letsencrypt
\cp -r ./venv/lib64/* ./venv/lib/
Then retry the command. The install locations of the python virtual environment change with different versions and operating systems, but the general principle has helped me debug two different installs.
I faced the same issue and upgrading pip and virtualenv as instructed in this post worked for me.
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv
rm -rf ~/.local/share/letsencrypt
/opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto --debug
After doing lots of research I found it.
You have to unset Python install layout
then update letsencrypt
/opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto -v
for more refer this blog
This worked for me, else zope and cryptography kept showing the dependency of install into each other leading to a deadlock. See Git Repo
sudo /opt/ install cryptography interface zope