I\'m in the process of changing my app for iOS6 and iPhone use, I can\'t seem to figure out why when I post from Twitter using the new Social framework I have to press \'Can
Try this buddy
[mySLComposerSheet setCompletionHandler:^(SLComposeViewControllerResult result) {
switch (result) {
case SLComposeViewControllerResultCancelled:
[self performSelector:@selector(showalert)];
[mySLComposerSheet dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
case SLComposeViewControllerResultDone:
[self performSelector:@selector(showalert1)];
[mySLComposerSheet dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
If your using the mySLComposerSheet this works great...
[mySLComposerSheet setCompletionHandler:^(SLComposeViewControllerResult result) {
[mySLComposerSheet dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
My experience with SLComposeViewController is that twitter and weibo controllers need to be dismissed manually while the facebook controller seems to be better behaved.
If I don't dismissViewControllerAnimated myself, tapping the "Send" button will send the tweet or weibo posting but I'll be left with what seems to be an invisible view over my own view. Thus I can no longer interact with my app.
I don't know why my app is working like this... Interestingly, the completionHandler for cancel gets called just once. The second tap dismisses the view controller.
+ (void) shareText:(NSString*)text image:(UIImage*)image social:(NSString*)service url:(NSString*)url
SLComposeViewController* controller = [SLComposeViewController composeViewControllerForServiceType:service];
[controller setInitialText:text];
[controller addImage:image];
[controller addURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]];
controller.completionHandler = ^(SLComposeViewControllerResult result) {
if( SLComposeViewControllerResultDone == result )
NSLog(@"rewards for share: %@!", service );
if( ![SLServiceTypeFacebook isEqualToString:service] ) // facebook behaves
[[CBLAppDelegate instance].activeViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:true completion:nil];
[[CBLAppDelegate instance].activeViewController presentViewController:controller animated:true completion:nil];
Found the issue. It only happens when a completion handler is added to TWTweetComposeViewController. If added, make sure to call:
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Posting comment above as an answer:
Have you tried setting the completionHandler before presenting the View Controller?