I want to remove first character from link\'s text with jQuery.
$("span.test1, span.test2").each(function() {
$(this).text($(this).text().replace(/[+-]/, ""));
// get the current text
text1 = $(".test1").html();
// set the text to the substring starting at the third character
$(".test1").html(text1.substring(2)); // extract to the end of the string
text2 = $(".test2").html();
$(".test2").html(" " + text2.substring(2)); // looks like you want to keep the leading space
var val = $("span").html();
$("span").html(val.substring(1, val.length));
you can get/set the HTML using .html() and remove the first character using .substring(), I think it's pretty clear now, you just need to write a 2 (or 3) lines code.