I am getting ImportError : no module named \'requests\'
But I have installed the requests
package using the command pip install req
I had this error before when I was executing a python3 script, after this:
sudo pip3 install requests
the problem solved, If you are using python3, give a shot.
if it works when you do :
>>> import requests
then it might be a mismatch between a previous version of python on your computer and the one you are trying to use
in that case : check the location of your working python:
which python
And get sure it is matching the first line in your python code
One possible reason is that you have multiple python executables in your environment, for example 2.6.x, 2.7.x or virtaulenv. You might install the package into one of them and run your script with another.
Type python in the prompt, and press the tab key to see what versions of Python in your environment.
Run in command prompt.
pip list
Check what version you have installed on your system if you have an old version.
Try to uninstall the package...
pip uninstall requests
Try after to install it:
pip install requests
You can also test if pip does not do the job.
easy_install requests
In Windows it worked for me only after trying the following: 1. Open cmd inside the folder where "requests" is unpacked. (CTRL+SHIFT+right mouse click, choose the appropriate popup menu item) 2. (Here is the path to your pip3.exe)\pip3.exe install requests Done
Opening CMD in the location of the already installed request folder and running "pip install requests" worked for me. I am using two different versions of Python.
I think this works because requests is now installed outside my virtual environment. Haven't checked but just thought I'd write this in, in case anyone else is going crazy searching on Google.