I\'m working on a project where the build number is stored in a file called \'BuildNumber.txt\' at the root of the project. What I\'d like to do is have CMake read the numb
You can use the CMake command file (STRINGS ...)
for that purpose. Assuming the build number is located in the file BuildNumber.txt
in a single line, the following command will read it into the CMake variable BUILD_NUMBER
file (STRINGS "BuildNumber.txt" BUILD_NUMBER)
Also see the file command reference.
I don't know your OS, but I assune that you are using Windows or Linux.
if (UNIX)
set (show_contents_prog cat)
elseif (WIN32)
set (show_contents_prog type)
endif (WIN32)
execute_process(COMMAND ${show_contents_prog} input.txt OUTPUT_VARIABLE file_contents)
I think this may help.