I just observed this behavior;
Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile(\"^$\");
Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(\"\");
System.out.println(m1.matches()); /* true */
Pattern p2
Let's look a bit closer at your second example:
Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("^$", Pattern.MULTILINE);
Matcher m2 = p2.matcher("");
System.out.println(m2.matches()); /* false */
So you have a line in m2, that is empty OR contains only character of endline and no other characters. Therefore you pattern, in order to correspond to the given line, should be only "$" i.e.:
// Your example
Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("^$", Pattern.MULTILINE);
Matcher m2 = p2.matcher("");
System.out.println(m2.matches()); /* false */
// Let's check if it is start of the line
p2 = Pattern.compile("^", Pattern.MULTILINE);
m2 = p2.matcher("");
System.out.println(m2.matches()); /* false */
// Let's check if it is end of the line
p2 = Pattern.compile("$", Pattern.MULTILINE);
m2 = p2.matcher("");
System.out.println(m2.matches()); /* true */
Sounds like a bug. At most, in multi-line mode, "^" and "$" could be interpreted as matching at an internal line boundary. Java might not have extended variable state structure say, like Perl does. I don't know if this is even a cause.
The fact that /^test$/m
matches just prove ^$ work in multi-line mode except when the string is empty (in Java), but clearly multi-line mode test for empty string is ludicrous since /^$/
work for that.
Testing in Perl, everything works as expected:
if ( "" =~ /^$/m ) { print "/^\$/m matches\n"; }
if ( "" =~ /^$/ ) { print "/^\$/ matches\n"; }
if ( "" =~ /\A\Z/m ) { print "/\\A\\Z/m matches\n"; }
if ( "" =~ /\A\Z/ ) { print "/\\A\\Z/ matches\n"; }
if ( "" =~ /\A\z/ ) { print "/\\A\\z/ matches\n"; }
if ( "" =~ /^/m ) { print "/^/m matches\n"; }
if ( "" =~ /$/m ) { print "/\$/m matches\n"; }
/^$/m matches
/^$/ matches
/\A\Z/m matches
/\A\Z/ matches
/\A\z/ matches
/^/m matches
/$/m matches
If MULTILINE mode is activated then ^ matches at the beginning of input and after any line terminator except at the end of input.
Since you are at the end of input, ^
can't match in multiline mode.
This is surprising, even disgusting, but nevertheless according to its documentation.