I newly started using Ubuntu 18.0 LTS this week, switching from Windows, and wanted to install Android Studio and Flutter back. I followed all the steps as said to install A
I had this issue after installed on my KUbuntu.
You need to open AndroidStudio then go to Tools -> SDK Manager then go to SDK Tools tab, uncheck the option Hide Obsolete Packages
You will see the option of Android SDK Tools (Obsolete), check the option and continue the process download and installation.
I had this issue when I installed on Ubuntu. You need to set env variable ANDROID_HOME to the path you installed the android sdk for flutter to work.
So assuming you installed the SDK in your home directory, open a terminal and issue this command
ANDROID_HOME=~/Android-SDK flutter doctor
If that worked, then add the env variable to your profile to make it persistent, by adding
export ANDROID_HOME=~/Android-SDK
to your ~/.profile script, then relogin to Ubuntu.
Obviously if you installed the android sdk in a different directory, you just need to replace ~/ with the directory, so for example if you installed the sdk to /opt, then the command would be ANDROID_HOME=/opt/Android-SDK flutter doctor
Having checked my android sdk + flutter setup, I also ended up adding the following to my path
You can test this before messing with your profile, by the following command in a terminal
PATH=$PATH:~/Android-SDK/platform-tools ANDROID_HOME=~/Android-SDK flutter doctor
And again change ~/Android-SDK to wherever you installed the android SDK. If it works, change your profile accordingly and relogin to Ubuntu.
I'm using Manjaro Linux. After set my ANDROID_HOME
and install Android SDK Command-line tools (latest) from Android Studio.
And ran:
flutter doctor --android-licenses
$ mkdir ~/Android/Sdk/tools/bin
And created a link to the real path
$ ln -s ~/Android/Sdk/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager ~/Android/Sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager
Ran again and accept all
$ flutter doctor --android-licenses
flutter doctor