I am trying to create a zip file and want to preserve most of the directory structure, but not the rootdir as defined from the command line. The command I\'m using is:
This should do it:
cd /foo/bar/
zip -r ../out.zip *
The archive will be in /foo/out.zip
If someone stumbles upon this and is not satisfied with the above solution, here follows a very simple workaround to not zip long subdirectories. It involves temporarily creating a folder in C:/, and after zipping simply deleting it:
ZipFiles <- list.files(".../ZipFiles") # Insert your long subdirectory into .../
file.copy(from = ZipFiles,to = "C:/ZipFiles")
files = "C:/ZipFiles")
unlink("C:/ZipFiles",recursive = TRUE)
The result then is .../FolderToBeZipped.zip/ZipFiles/
The benefit is that you need not be within the subdirectory (or project) when executing the code.
I don't believe zip has a way to exclude the top level directory. I think your best bet would be to do something like: pushd /foo; zip -r out.zip ./bar; popd;
But this is exactly the sort of answer you said you didn't want.
7z a -tzip out.zip -w foo/bar/.