How do I make a mailto link using Razor?
I\'ve seen Html.MailTo, but when I try @Html.MailTo nothing comes up.
I get to this question when I was trying to do simple
<a href="mailto:@ViewBag.EmailTo">Email</a>
but Razor will treat this as text
I know there are HtmlHelpers and such but so far simple code worked for me
<a href="mailto:@{@ViewBag.EmailTo}">Email</a>
Whether a variable comes from model or ViewBag it's about @ sign in href and Razor
HTML.MailTo() helper is a part of the 'mvc3 futures' project, but there is an alternative to way to do it.
1.)Create a new .cshtml file inside App_Code directory and name it as you want (for example HTMLHelpers.cshtml)
2.)Write the following in the file
@helper EmailTextBox(string email, string title) {
<a href="mailto:@email">@title</a>
3.)Now in your view you can call your new function. For example write
Email: @HTMLHelpers.EmailTextBox("","George Chatzimanolis")
You should just make a normal hyperlink:
<a href="">...</a>
Razor and MVC helper methods are not intended to replace HTML tags; they're intended to make common data-bound elements simpler.
The mailto helper is a part of the 'mvc3 futures' project.
The below blog will give you more information on mvc3 futures as well as the link to get it. I believe that it is also available as a NuGet package.