I need to pass the username of the requestor of a build down to the script that is actually doing the work. Looking at the console output for a particular build, the first
In your Job add "Execute system Groovy script":
def yourUserName = build.causes[0].userId
The username isn't put in an easy-to-fetch environment variable, but you can get it using the xml (or json or python) api - as soon as you start a build, http://[jenkins-server]/job/[job-name]/[build-number]/api/xml
is populated with details:
<shortDescription>Started by user foobar</shortDescription>
Please check out Jenkins Build User Vars plugin, it does what you need:
It is used to set following user build variables:
I tried to use Jenkins Build User Vars plugin and notify a HipChat room that a build was started by a certain user, but BUILD_USER
variable was not available to HipChat plugin, possibly because HipChat action happened before Build User Vars plugin injects the variable.
So I installed pre-scm-buildstep plugin and added:
// Inject environment variables using Groovy
import hudson.model.*
def build = Thread.currentThread().executable
def userCause = build.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause)
def userName = userCause?.userId ?: 'Jenkins'
def envVars = ['BUILD_USER': userName]
for (item in envVars) {
build.addAction(new ParametersAction([
new StringParameterValue(item.key, item.value)
import os
import jenkinsapi.build
import jenkinsapi.jenkins
#Required Environment variables example:
jenkins_inst = None
def get_jenkins_inst():
if jenkins_inst == None:
jenkins_url = os.environ['JENKINS_URL']
print("Connect to jenkins " + jenkins_url)
jenkins_inst = jenkinsapi.jenkins.Jenkins(jenkins_url)
return jenkins_inst
def get_jenkins_job():
jenkins_inst = get_jenkins_inst()
jenkins_job_name = os.environ['JOB_NAME']
print("Get jenkins job " + jenkins_job_name)
return jenkins_inst.get_job(jenkins_job_name)
def get_jenkins_user():
jenkins_job = get_jenkins_job()
jenkins_buildno = int(os.environ['BUILD_NUMBER'])
print("Get jenkins job build " + str(jenkins_buildno))
cur_build = jenkins_job.get_build(jenkins_buildno)
return cur_build.get_actions()['causes'][0]['userId']
I managed to get it (on Jenkins 2.58):
Of course you need to set permissions in Jenkins to be able to call these methods. It's not always the 0th Cause object you are looking for, e.g. it may be another one if you replay another user's build (did not test this).