I want to create a script that parses or makes sense of apache\'s error log to see what the most recent error was. I was wondering if anyone out there has something that doe
for anyone else looking for a sample script, i threw something together, it's got the basics:
exec('tail /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log', $output);
<Table border="1">
foreach($output as $line) {
// sample line: [Wed Oct 01 15:07:23 2008] [error] [client] PHP 99. Debugger->handleError() /home/gsmcms/public_html/central/cake/libs/debugger.php:0
preg_match('~^\[(.*?)\]~', $line, $date);
if(empty($date[1])) {
preg_match('~\] \[([a-z]*?)\] \[~', $line, $type);
preg_match('~\] \[client ([0-9\.]*)\]~', $line, $client);
preg_match('~\] (.*)$~', $line, $message);
Here's a small-ish class that makes it easy to read a number of characters from the back of a large file w/o overloading memory. The test setting lets you see it in action cannibalizing itself.
$run_test = true;
$test_file = 'BigFile.php';
class BigFile
private $file_handle;
* Load the file from a filepath
* @param string $path_to_file
* @throws Exception if path cannot be read from
public function __construct( $path_to_log )
if( is_readable($path_to_log) )
$this->file_handle = fopen( $path_to_log, 'r');
throw new Exception("The file path to the file is not valid");
* 'Finish your breakfast' - Jay Z's homme Strict
public function __destruct()
* Returns a number of characters from the end of a file w/o loading the entire file into memory
* @param integer $number_of_characters_to_get
* @return string $characters
public function getFromEnd( $number_of_characters_to_get )
$offset = -1*$number_of_characters_to_get;
$text = "";
fseek( $this->file_handle, $offset , SEEK_END);
$text .= fgets($this->file_handle);
return $text;
if( $run_test )
$number_of_characters_to_get = 100000;
$bf = new BigFile($test_file);
$text = $bf->getFromEnd( $number_of_characters_to_get );
echo "$test_file has the following $number_of_characters_to_get characters at the end:
<br/> <pre>$text</pre>";
there are piles of php scripts that do this, just do a google search for examples. if you want to roll your own, it's nothing more complex than reading any other file. just make sure you know the location of your logfiles (defined in the httpd.conf file) and the format your log files are in. the format is also defined in httpd.conf
Have you tried biterScripting ? I am a system admin and I have been using to parse logs. It is univx style scripting. biterScripting.com -> Free download.
There are a few things to consider first:
However, if none of these apply, you can use the normal file reading commands to do it. The easiest way to get the last error is
$contents = @file('/path/to/error.log', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
if (is_array($contents)) {
echo end($contents);
There's probably a better way of doing this that doesn't oink up memory, but I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.
One last comment: PHP also has an ini setting to redirect PHP errors to a log file: error_log = /path/to/error.log
You can set this in httpd.conf or in an .htaccess file (if you have access to one) using the php_flag notation:
php_flag error_log /web/mysite/logs/error.log
adm group has access of to view logs in linux system to access the log from apache we have to add www-data user to adm group and restart the apache so all the changes will update
$ sudo usermod -G adm www-data
$ sudo service apache2 restart
exec('tail /var/log/apache2/error_log', $output);
<Table border="1">
foreach($output as $line) {
// sample line: [Mon Apr 01 07:23:14.217466 2019] [autoindex:error] [pid 19261] [client] AH01276:PHP 99. Debugger->handleError()
preg_match('~^\[(.*?)\]~', $line, $date);
if(empty($date[1])) {
preg_match('~\] \[([a-z:]*?)\] \[~', $line, $type);
preg_match('~\] \[client ([0-9\.:]*)\]~', $line, $client);
preg_match('~\] (.*)$~', $line, $message);