I have a condition in code where i need to check if current environment is not local.i have used !RoleEnvironment.IsEmulated
, now this is not working in Azure
You can use an approach similar to what the actual runtime uses to identify whether it is running on Azure: https://github.com/Azure/azure-webjobs-sdk-script/blob/efb55da/src/WebJobs.Script/Config/ScriptSettingsManager.cs#L25
In this case, the runtime checks for the presence of an app setting named WEBSITE_INSTANCE_ID
Based on answer by Fabio Cavalcante, here is a working Azure function that checks the current running environment (local or hosted):
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Http;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;
using System;
namespace AzureFunctionTests
public static class WhereAmIRunning
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
bool isLocal = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WEBSITE_INSTANCE_ID"));
string response = isLocal ? "Function is running on local environment." : "Function is running on Azure.";
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response);
You can use the AZURE_FUNCTIONS_ENVIRONMENT environment variable, which is set automatically in local development:
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_FUNCTIONS_ENVIRONMENT"); // set to "Development" locally
Note that when deployed/published (i.e. Azure), you'd need to set the environment variable yourself (e.g. function app settings in Azure).