I want to write something like regex:
SRC:=\"a.dat.1 a.dat.2\"
$(SRC): %.dat.%: (\\\\1).rlt.(\\\\2)
dat2rlt $^ $@
so that
I'm afraid what you are trying to do is not possible the way you suggest to do it, since - as you already mention - (GNU) make only allows a single stem '%', see http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Pattern-Rules:
A pattern rule looks like an ordinary rule, except that its target contains the character ‘%’ (exactly one of them).
Without it, creating such 'multi-dimensional' targets is cumbersome.
One way around this is by rebuilding the name of the dependency in the command (rather than in the dependency list):
SRC := a.dat.1 a.dat.2
all : $(SRC:%=%.dat2rlt)
%.dat2rlt :
dat2rtl $(word 1,$(subst ., ,$*)).rlt.$(word 2,$(subst ., ,$*)) $*
Of course, however, this way you would lose the dependency, it will not rebuild once the rlt has been updated.
The only way I can see to address that is by generating the rules explicitly:
SRC := a.dat.1 a.dat.2
all : $(SRC)
define GEN_RULE
$1.dat.$2 : $1.rlt.$2
dat2rtl $$< $$@
$(foreach src,$(SRC),$(eval $(call GEN_RULE,$(word 1,$(subst ., ,$(src))),$(word 3,$(subst ., ,$(src))))))
Using named variables, we can write more readable code (based on answer of Paljas):
letters:=a b c
numbers:=1 2 3 4
define GEN_RULE
$(letter).dat.$(number) : $(letter).rlt.$(number)
./rlt2dat $$< $$@
$(foreach number,$(numbers), \
$(foreach letter,$(letters), \
$(eval $(GEN_RULE)) \
) \
We can generate SRC
in a similar way. Note that using that method SRC
will contain all the combinations. That may or may not be beneficial.
For the limited example you gave, you can use a pattern with one %
SRC := a.dat.1 a.dat.2
${SRC}: a.dat.%: a.rlt.%
dat2rlt $^ $@
in the recipe will expand to whatever the %
s around your original macro are definitely wrong..SECONDEXPANSION
in the manual for more complicated stuff (or over here).