Source Type 200 in SQL Server Import and Export Wizard?

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南笙 2021-01-03 23:06

I am trying to import data from one database in a server to a new table in a different server, using SQL Server import and Export Wizard. (SQL Server Management Studio 2012)

  • 2021-01-03 23:44

    A long-term solution (besides Microsoft fixing it) (or have they already?) is also a few links deep from the answers posted.

    On the affected machine, there is an xml file that defines a code-to-value mapping for each transform type.
    What is seen with the "200" & "201" causing a failure, is a missing mapping
    ....well, it shouldn't have come through as "200/201", but as it did, we wish it were mapped

    It can be inserted manually, if you are willing to play with such configurations.

    Here is where I got the answer, quite a ways down the page:

    The mapping files are in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\MappingFiles\
    (or equivalent)

    There is one for each type of source-to-destination transform.

    For going between SQL Servers, look at ones such as

    Where you see

    <!-- varchar -->
    <dtm:DataTypeMapping >

    Add the "200" mapping to match such that you end up with

    <!-- varchar -->
    <dtm:DataTypeMapping >
    <dtm:DataTypeMapping >

    Fix nvarchar and any others in the same way!

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  • 2021-01-03 23:47

    This is the bug and was just fixed in SQL SERVER 2012 SP2.

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  • 2021-01-03 23:47

    Fastest solution is to export the data to a new table in the same database (source) using the import/export wizard. Then export the data from the new table. Somehow the import/export wizard works his magic (not really) at the time it creates the new table. Thank you Jyoti for ending the pain it was to use the import/export wizard.

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  • 2021-01-03 23:56

    Unfortunately this is a BUG. See (and vote up) links below:

    --> SQL Server Import and Export Wizard Does Not Recognise Varchar and NVarchar


    --> DTSWizard in SQL 2012 SP1 no longer recognizes nvarchar/varchar data types when source is a query

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  • 2021-01-03 23:56

    You really don't need to do any fiddling with config, views or whatever. Just save the SSIS package and execute it by double-clicking it in Explorer. This will launch the "Execute Package Utility (DTExecUI.exe in the ManagementStudio folder) which should run the package without error.

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  • 2021-01-03 23:57

    With a bit of experimentation this error only seems to occur when you have a query as the source. The accepted answer did not work for me as copying to a flat file would result in the same error.

    To solve this I put my query into a View then selected Copy From one or more Tables Or Views instead of Write a query....

    I went through the wizard normally after that and my data went through with no error

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