I am totally new in VBA and coding in general, am trying to get data from cells from the same workbook (get framework path ...) and then to start application (QTP) and run t
The first code line, Option Explicit
means (in simple terms) that all of your variables have to be explicitly declared by Dim
statements. They can be any type, including object, integer, string, or even a variant.
This line: Dim envFrmwrkPath As Range
is declaring the variable envFrmwrkPath
of type Range
. This means that you can only set it to a range.
This line: Set envFrmwrkPath = ActiveSheet.Range("D6").Value
is attempting to set the Range
type variable to a specific Value that is in cell D6
. This could be a integer or a string for example (depends on what you have in that cell) but it's not a range.
I'm assuming you want the value stored in a variable. Try something like this:
Dim MyVariableName As Integer
MyVariableName = ActiveSheet.Range("D6").Value
This assumes you have a number (like 5) in cell D6. Now your variable will have the value.
For simplicity sake of learning, you can remove or comment out the Option Explicit
line and VBA will try to determine the type of variables at run time.
Try this to get through this part of your code
Dim envFrmwrkPath As String
Dim ApplicationName As String
Dim TestIterationName As String
Simply remove the .value
from your code.
Set envFrmwrkPath = ActiveSheet.Range("D6").Value
instead of this, use:
Set envFrmwrkPath = ActiveSheet.Range("D6")
You have two options,
-If you want the value:
Dim MyValue as Variant ' or string/date/long/...
MyValue = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A1").Value
-if you want the cell object:
Dim oCell as Range ' or object (but then you'll miss out on intellisense), and both can also contain more than one cell.
Set oCell = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A1")
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Workbooks("Textfile_Receiving").Sheets("menu").Range("g1").Value = PROV.Text
Workbooks("Textfile_Receiving").Sheets("menu").Range("g2").Value = MUN.Text
Workbooks("Textfile_Receiving").Sheets("menu").Range("g3").Value = CAT.Text
Workbooks("Textfile_Receiving").Sheets("menu").Range("g4").Value = Label5.Caption
Run "filename"
End Sub
Private Sub MUN_Change()
Dim r As Integer
r = 2
While Range("m" & CStr(r)).Value <> ""
If Range("m" & CStr(r)).Value = MUN.Text Then
Label5.Caption = Range("n" & CStr(r)).Value
End If
r = r + 1
End Sub
Private Sub PROV_Change()
If PROV.Text = "LAGUNA" Then
MUN.Text = ""
MUN.RowSource = "Menu!M26:M56"
ElseIf PROV.Text = "CAVITE" Then
MUN.Text = ""
MUN.RowSource = "Menu!M2:M25"
ElseIf PROV.Text = "QUEZON" Then
MUN.Text = ""
MUN.RowSource = "Menu!M57:M97"
End If
End Sub