Is there a programmatic way to get a list of all exceptions a function could raise?
I know for example that os.makedirs(path[, mode]) can raise PermissionError
As said in the topic Python: How can I know which exceptions might be thrown from a method call, you can get the Abstract Syntax Tree and search for raised exceptions.
import ast
def find_raise(body):
raises = []
for ast_ in body:
if isinstance(ast_, ast.Raise):
if hasattr(ast_, 'body'):
raises += find_raise(ast_.body)
return list(set(raises))
test = '''
def f(arg):
raise OSError(arg)
raises = find_raise(ast.parse(test).body)
print [ for i in raises] # print ['OSError']
This method works for every piece of code that you have written.
You cannot parse built-in function like os.makedirs
Two alternatives:
For all native C methods, you are stuck with the documentation and should trust it. When os.makedirs
says it only returns OSError
, it is true, since PermissionError
and FileExistError
exceptions are subclasses of OSError
To find Errors programmatically for built-in you can use this example:
>>> import re
>>> re.findall(r'\w+Error', open.__doc__)
['IOError', 'FileExistsError', 'ValueError']
>>> re.findall(r'\w+Error', os.makedirs.__doc__)
It catches all exceptions with a name ending with 'Error', it surely can be extended to find all standard exceptions.
You can't get reliable results for some (if not most) functions. Some examples:
functions that execute arbitrary code (e.g. exec(')(rorrEeulaV esiar'[::-1])
raises ValueError
functions that aren't written in Python
functions that call other functions that can propagate errors to the caller
functions re-raising active exceptions in the except:
Unfortunately, this list is incomplete.
E.g. os.makedirs
is written in Python and you can see its source:
mkdir(name, mode)
except OSError as e:
if not exist_ok or e.errno != errno.EEXIST or not path.isdir(name):
Bare raise
re-raises the last active exception (OSError
or one of its subclasses). Here's the class hierarchy for OSError:
+-- OSError
| +-- BlockingIOError
| +-- ChildProcessError
| +-- ConnectionError
| | +-- BrokenPipeError
| | +-- ConnectionAbortedError
| | +-- ConnectionRefusedError
| | +-- ConnectionResetError
| +-- FileExistsError
| +-- FileNotFoundError
| +-- InterruptedError
| +-- IsADirectoryError
| +-- NotADirectoryError
| +-- PermissionError
| +-- ProcessLookupError
| +-- TimeoutError
To get the exact exception types you'll need to look into mkdir
, functions it calls, functions those functions call etc.
So, getting possible exceptions without running the function is very hard and you really should not do it.
However for simple cases like
raise Exception # without arguments
raise Exception('abc') # with arguments
a combination of ast module functionality and inspect.getclosurevars (to get exception classes, was introduced in Python 3.3) can produce quite accurate results:
from inspect import getclosurevars, getsource
from collections import ChainMap
from textwrap import dedent
import ast, os
class MyException(Exception):
def g():
raise Exception
class A():
def method():
raise OSError
def f(x):
raise MyException
raise ValueError('argument')
def get_exceptions(func, ids=set()):
vars = ChainMap(*getclosurevars(func)[:3])
source = dedent(getsource(func))
except TypeError:
class _visitor(ast.NodeTransformer):
def __init__(self):
self.nodes = []
self.other = []
def visit_Raise(self, n):
def visit_Expr(self, n):
if not isinstance(n.value, ast.Call):
c, ob = n.value.func, None
if isinstance(c, ast.Attribute):
parts = []
while getattr(c, 'value', None):
c = c.value
if in vars:
ob = vars[]
for name in reversed(parts):
ob = getattr(ob, name)
elif isinstance(c, ast.Name):
if in vars:
ob = vars[]
if ob is not None and id(ob) not in ids:
v = _visitor()
for n in v.nodes:
if isinstance(n, (ast.Call, ast.Name)):
name = if isinstance(n, ast.Name) else
if name in vars:
yield vars[name]
for o in v.other:
yield from get_exceptions(o)
for e in get_exceptions(f):
<class '__main__.MyException'>
<class 'ValueError'>
<class 'OSError'>
<class 'Exception'>
Keep in mind that this code only works for functions written in Python.