clHotlight: TColor = $00FF9933;
clLink = clHotLight; //alias of clHotlight
[Error] file.pas: Constant expression expected
The right side of a constant declaration must be a "constant expression", which is defined as "a constant expression is an expression that the compiler can evaluate without executing the program in which it occurs". You can find the whole accepted syntax for constant expression in the language guide. Note that the language guide explicitly states "Typed constants cannot occur in constant expressions." - and that's why your declarations fails, both clHotlight: TColor = $00FF9933; and AdministratorGUID: TGUID =...; are typed constants. Also, constant expression cannot include functions calls except those listed in the language guide (i.e. Length(), SizeOf(), and some others) that the compiler is able to compute at compile time. Rewrite this way:
AdminGUID = '{DE44EEA0-6712-11D4-ADD4-0006295717DA}';
AdministratorGUID: TGUID = AdminGUID;
SuperuserGUID: TGUID = AdminGUID;
And it will work.
I tried this code :
CAnswer1 = 42;
CAnswer2 : Integer = 42;
LAnswer : Integer;
LAnswer := CAnswer1;
LAnswer := CAnswer2;
and here is the produced code :
Project9.dpr.18: LAnswer := CAnswer1;
004101AC C7056C6E41002A00 mov [$00416e6c],$0000002a //<- assign a hard-coded "42" value
Project9.dpr.19: LAnswer := CAnswer2;
004101B6 A1701C4100 mov eax,[$00411c70] //<- fetch a variable's content
004101BB A36C6E4100 mov [$00416e6c],eax //<- assign this content
You are right : some constants are more constant than others. The second constant is actually treated by the compiler as a variable.
welcome to Delphi evolution. in delphi 1 & 2, you can not assign initial constant value to a global var (ex: var xVar: Integer = 1). The only way you can do that is using const xVar: Integer = 1) and some where in you codes, you can then change it to somethingelse if desired. Until they get rid of this ancient feature, you can not using "const xVar: Integer" construct as a const value.
Cheers A Pham
Read here Understanding Typed Constants in Delphi
clHotlight: TColor = $00FF9933;
Is declaring clHotlight
as a 'variable' (well, ok an 'assignable constant' if you've permitted this in compiler options) by means of the :
As you've found, declaring:
clHotlight = TColor($00FF9933);
Makes no allocation of clHotlight
until it is specified later.
The same applies to your GUID.
clHotlight: TColor = $00FF9933;
is not a constant but a typed constant (=static variable), i.e. the compiler reserves a slot in memory for a TColor which will hold the value $00FF9933
initially at run time.
Because that value can be changed later (with the Assignable Const option ON), it is not a real constant and cannot be accepted by the compiler in clLink = clHotLight;
clHotlight = TColor($00FF9933);
is strictly the same as clHotlight = $00FF9933;
It is a true constant and the compiler will replace clHotlight
by its value $00FF9933
wherever it appears in the code. And for clLink
as well.
Read on this SO question (In Delphi 7, why can I assign a value to a const?) and all the good answers there...
EDIT: about TGUID...
The problem is that writing AdministratorGUID: TGUID = '{DE44EEA0-6712-11D4-ADD4-0006295717DA}';
is not proper.
It is using some compiler magic to call StringToGUID
behind the scene, allowing the convenience to express the GUID as a string which they are not by nature. They are records.
So, trying AdministratorGUID = '{DE44EEA0-6712-11D4-ADD4-0006295717DA}';
will not work. That is not a GUID...
A workaround is to have a typed constant and variables pointing to the same memory area using the absolute
AdministratorGUID: TGUID = '{DE44EEA0-6712-11D4-ADD4-0006295717DA}';
SuperuserGUID: TGUID absolute AdministratorGUID; //alias of AdministratorGUID
RootGUID: TGUID absolute AdministratorGUID; //alias of AdministratorGUID