I have some code which is (supposed to be) capturing keystrokes. The top level window has a
The trouble is that when Alt is held down your KeyEventArgs has:
Key = Key.System
SystemKey = the real key
so when checking for Alt you need to use e.SystemKey instead of e.Key, like this:
if (e.KeyboardDevice.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Alt) {
switch (e.SystemKey) {
Under Windows, the "Alt" key is handled specially. When the Alt key itself is pressed or another key is pressed while the Alt key is held down, it is considered a "System" keypress. "System" keypresses are handled differently than regular keypresses in many ways.
It all starts out when Windows passes the keypress to your application. Normal key down events generate a WM_KEYDOWN, but if the Alt key is pressed it generates a WM_SYSKEYDOWN. By the same token a WM_KEYUP is translated into a WM_SYSKEYUP.
Throughout Windows, including in WPF, the special handling of the Alt key is used with MenuItems, Buttons and Labels that include "access text". For example, if a button has content of "Say _Hi", then presing Alt-H will be treated as a a button click.
When the Alt key is down, letters come in as three pairs of events: KeyDown, KeyUp and TextInput, each with their associated preview versions. The primary differences here are:
In case of an Alt
modifier, e.Key
returns Key.System
and the real key is in e.SystemKey
. You can use the following piece of code to always get the correct pressed key:
Key key = (e.Key == Key.System ? e.SystemKey : e.Key);