I have a loop where i create some plots and I need unique marker for each plot. I think about creating function, which returns random symbol, and use it in my program in thi
will iterate over a list or tuple indefinitely. This is preferable to a function which randomly picks markers for you.
import itertools
marker = itertools.cycle((',', '+', '.', 'o', '*'))
for n in y:
plt.plot(x,n, marker = marker.next(), linestyle='')
import itertools
marker = itertools.cycle((',', '+', '.', 'o', '*'))
for n in y:
plt.plot(x,n, marker = next(marker), linestyle='')
You can use that to produce a plot like this (Python 2.x):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools
x = np.linspace(0,2,10)
y = np.sin(x)
marker = itertools.cycle((',', '+', '.', 'o', '*'))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for q,p in zip(x,y):
ax.plot(q,p, linestyle = '', marker=marker.next())
You can also use marker generation by tuple e.g. as
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
markers = [(i,j,0) for i in range(2,10) for j in range(1, 3)]
[plt.plot(i, 0, marker = markers[i], ms=10) for i in range(16)]
See Matplotlib markers doc site for details.
In addition, this can be combined with itertools.cycle looping mentioned above
Just manually create an array that contains marker characters and use that, e.g.:
markers=[',', '+', '-', '.', 'o', '*']
It appears that nobody has mentioned the built-in pyplot method for cycling properties yet. So here it is:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cycler import cycler
x = np.linspace(0,3,20)
y = np.sin(x)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.gca().set_prop_cycle(marker=['o', '+', 'x', '*', '.', 'X']) # gca()=current axis
for q,p in zip(x,y):
plt.plot(q,p, linestyle = '')
However, this way you lose the color cycle. You can add back color by multiplying a color cycler
and a marker cycler
object, like this:
fig = plt.figure()
markercycle = cycler(marker=['o', '+', 'x', '*', '.', 'X'])
colorcycle = cycler(color=['blue', 'orange', 'green', 'magenta'])
# Or use the default color cycle:
# colorcycle = cycler(color=plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'])
plt.gca().set_prop_cycle(colorcycle * markercycle) # gca()=current axis
for q,p in zip(x,y):
plt.plot(q,p, linestyle = '')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
markers=['^', 's', 'p', 'h', '8']
for i in range(5):
plt.plot(x[i], y[i], c='green', marker=markers[i])
plt.xlabel('X Label')
plt.ylabel('Y Label')