I am trying to write a program that reads an integer and displays, using asterisks, a filled diamond of the given side length. For Example, if the side length is 4, the prog
How about this:
n = 5
stars = [('*' + '**'*i).center(2*n + 1) for i in range(n)]
print('\n'.join(stars + stars[::-1][1:]))
The output:
This is similar to some of the answers above, but I find the syntax to be more simple and readable.
def build(width):
if width%2==0:
x=[(' *'*i).center(width*2,' ') for i in range(1,(width*2/2))]
x=[(' *'*i).center(width*2+1,' ') for i in range(1,((width*2+1)/2))]
for i in x[:-1]+x[::-1]: print i
This worked for me for any positive width, But there are spaces padding the *s
Thanks Guys, I was able to formulate/correct my code based on the help I received. Thanks for all your input and helping the SO community!
if userInput > 0: # Prevents the computation of negative numbers
for i in range(userInput):
for s in range (userInput - i) : # s is equivalent to to spaces
print(" ", end="")
for j in range((i * 2) - 1):
print("*", end="")
for i in range(userInput, 0, -1):
for s in range (userInput - i) :
print(" ", end="")
for j in range((i * 2) - 1):
print("*", end="")
This might work better for you:
n = userInput
for idx in range(n-1):
print((n-idx) * ' ' + (2*idx+1) * '*')
for idx in range(n-1, -1, -1):
print((n-idx) * ' ' + (2*idx+1) * '*')
Output for userInput = 6:
How about the following:
side = int(input("Please input side length of diamond: "))
for x in list(range(side)) + list(reversed(range(side-1))):
print('{: <{w1}}{:*<{w2}}'.format('', '', w1=side-x-1, w2=x*2+1))
So how does it work?
First we need a counter that counts up to side
and then back down again. There is nothing stopping you from appending two range lists together so:
list(range(3)) + list(reversed(range(3-1))
This gives you a list [0, 1, 2, 1, 0]
From here we need to work out the correct number of spaces and asterisks needed for each line:
* needs 2 spaces 1 asterix
*** needs 1 space 3 asterisks
***** needs 0 spaces 5 asterisks
So two formulas are needed, e.g. for side=3
x 3-x-1 x*2+1
0 2 1
1 1 3
2 0 5
Using Python's string formatting, it is possible to specify both a fill character and padding width. This avoids having to use string concatenation.
If you are using Python 3.6 or later, you can make use of f
string notation:
for x in list(range(side)) + list(reversed(range(side-1))):
print(f"{'': <{side - x - 1}} {'':*<{x * 2 + 1}}")