Mirror Android Screen to PC using USB
As suggested by fadden, I have ended up patching through sreeenrecord disabling the time limitation and adding some code of my own ( enabling ADB over USB routing ), it works, BUT, req maintanance each time the OS is updated, I wish there would have been a way for using the Android Java framework as an ADB Shell Tool as this would considerably reduce the amount of un-documented buttons I am pressing...
The screenrecord
that ships with Android 5.0 "Lollipop" can send raw H.264 over ADB. The command line looks like:
adb shell screenrecord --output-format=h264 - | <player>
A few details are on the bigflake page. I've used it to mirror the screen onto a Linux workstation, but unfortunately I didn't save the VLC/mplayer command lines. Some player suggestions are here.
You can try to do uncompressed frames (--output-format=raw-frames
), but at decent frame rates that easily overwhelms the ADB connection, even if the screen is tiny.
Source code is here.