I have a known list of strings like the following:
List groupNames = new List(){\"Group1\",\"Group2\",\"Group3\"};
That looks like:
var query = from groupName in groupNames
from data in dataList
where data.StartsWith(groupName)
group data by groupName;
Note that this isn't a join, as potentially there are overlapping group names "G" and "Gr" for example, so an item could match multiple group names. If you could extract a group name from each item (e.g. by taking everything before the first dot) then you could use "join ... into" to get a group join. Anyway...
foreach (var result in query)
Console.WriteLine("Key: {0}", result.Key);
foreach (var item in result)
Console.WriteLine(" " + item);
If you really need the anonymous type, you can do...
var query = from groupName in groupNames
from data in dataList
where data.StartsWith(groupName)
group data by groupName into g
select new { g.Key, DataList = g.ToList() };