I\'m busy changing from normal mysql_queries to prepared statements, now I found a function that generated a dynamic query based on how many fields were not empty.
The trick is to construct an array that contains the parameters that you want to bind, then with the help of call_user_func_array
, you can pass this array to bind_param
See http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.call-user-func-array.php for details on call_user_func_array
Your code can be something like:
/* $para is the array that later passed into bind_param */
$query = 'UPDATE tickets SET ';
IF(count($data) != 0) {
/* Looping all values */
foreach($data as $k=>$d) {
$query .= '`'.$d['field'].'` = ? ,';
$para_type .=$d['type'];
$para[] = &$data[$k]['value'];
/* removing last comma */
$query[(strlen($query)-2)] = '';
/* adding where */
$query .= ' WHERE `ticket_id` = ?';
$para_type .= 'i';
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $para);
return true;
Notice the &
in front of all parameters, it is required by bind_param
Another way which I think is better is to use PDO. It takes named parameter and can do incremental bind.