I have local files in my app which I read like this:
How to read this file using R
will only access the files from device storage. So this problem poses a quandary. These files are bundled at build time so how can we access them in development vs production?
├── android
├── app
│ └── assets
│ └── images
└── ios
I store my images inside ./app/assets/images/
When in Development or debug the files are served to the device via the metro bundler so they are not actually stored on the device. So accessing them from the devices storage would not be possible. You would have to provide some sort of mocked functionality for when you are developing. It is possible to use __DEV__
to allow different functions to run depending on the environment https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/javascript-environment
if (__DEV__) {
// do something in development
} else {
// do something in production
From some research it does seem like it is possible to access the files in production.
What I have discovered is that the files reside in a folder called assets
that are in the MainBundlePath
So if you want to access the following file in my local directory ./app/assets/images/image.png
you would need the following file path: RNFS.MainBundlePath + /assets/app/assets/images/image.png
to access it on the device.
You can check to see the file path by looking at the Packaging.log
that is generated with your ipa
Android doesn't have a folder called MainBundlePath
that is only on iOS
. I have spent some time researching and looking at the different folders on the device but I was unable to access the images that are bundled. It would seem that they not accessible in the way that we would hope using react-native-fs
has functionality for both ios
and Android
to read from the assets directory
To access the files for iOS
you would do something like this:
RNFetchBlob.fs.stat(fs.dirs.MainBundleDir + '/whatever/files/you/added.mp3').then( stats => {...});
And for Android
you would do something like this:
RNFetchBlob.fs.stat(fs.asset('/whatever/files/you/added.mp3').then( stats => {...});
It does give this warning about the assets being compressed by Gradle.
Gradle will compress bundled assets by default. In order to interact with asset files with this module, compression must be disabled. Please see How to access files from assets for more detail.
This could explain why I was unable to find any assets in Android when looking using react-native-fs
You can read more about using rn-fetch-blob
and its filesystem here https://github.com/joltup/rn-fetch-blob#user-content-file-system
Rather than relying on the bundler to package up the images for you and put them on the device. You could store copies of them already in the iOS
and Android
projects. This has the bonus that the images would be available in development, however you would storing the images multiple times and it could lead to larger application sizes.
You could store the images as base64 strings in json files and then require these by your application. That would then mean that you would have them already in base64 (so the app doesn't have to do any conversion) but again you would be increasing the size of your application. If it is only a small number of images it may be the easiest option.
Just using filename = response.uri.replace('file:', '')
The final code:
if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
filename = response.uri.replace('file:', '')
} else {
filename = response.uri
Working now ...