I\'ve set up a multiselection enabled tableview and am trying to attach a listener a checkbox inserted into a column to the selection model of the table.
Ok, so this one way to do it. You'll need a BooleanProperty in your backing model to hold the value of the check box so that the table will 'remember' if that rows check box should be selected or not if the row scrolls out of view and then back again.
TableColumn<Job,Boolean> checkCol = new TableColumn<>("Check");
checkCol.setCellValueFactory( new PropertyValueFactory<Job,Boolean>( "checkBoxValue" ) );
checkCol.setCellFactory( new Callback<TableColumn<Job,Boolean>, TableCell<Job,Boolean>>()
public TableCell<Job,Boolean> call( TableColumn<Job,Boolean> param )
return new CheckBoxTableCell<Job,Boolean>()
setAlignment( Pos.CENTER );
public void updateItem( Boolean item, boolean empty )
if ( ! empty )
TableRow row = getTableRow();
if ( row != null )
int rowNo = row.getIndex();
TableViewSelectionModel sm = getTableView().getSelectionModel();
if ( item ) sm.select( rowNo );
else sm.clearSelection( rowNo );
super.updateItem( item, empty );
} );
checkCol.setEditable( true );
checkCol.setMaxWidth( 50 );
checkCol.setMinWidth( 50 );
You are using checkBoxTableColumn.setCellValueFactory
Your TableView has data items of type T, and the setCellValueFactory
method on a column is there to tell the column what value it must extract out of an object of type T to display.
You however are returning an observable value containing a GUI component (CheckBox), whereas you should be returning an observable Boolean value extracted from cellData
See here for an Oracle tutorial on TableView: http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/ui_controls/table-view.htm#CJAGAAEE
Adding a checkbox column to a table where changes to the table checkbox are propogated back to the model object is quite simple:
TableColumn<Job,Boolean> checkCol = new TableColumn<>("Check");
checkCol.setCellValueFactory( new PropertyValueFactory<Job,Boolean>( "checkBoxValue" ) );
checkCol.setCellFactory( CheckBoxTableCell.forTableColumn( checkCol ) );
Note that "checkBoxValue" is the partial name of a property method in Job called checkBoxValueProperty() that returns a BooleanProperty. (It doesn't have to be called checkBoxValue, you can give it a different name, but it must end with Property.)