Calculating annual percentage rate (need some help with inherited code)

前端 未结 1 530
南笙 2021-01-03 12:49

I\'m making an application that gives clients and approximate loan offer (they are later calculated by other back-office systems). I have received some code from the financi

  • 2021-01-03 13:30

    The code is indeed using the Newton-Raphson method although I have no idea what exactly it is calculating; you may have copied from the wrong section. If, indeed, you want to calculate the annual percentage rate given the loan amount, the monthly payment and the number of months then you have nearly completely solved this except that you probably don't know what the function is whose roots are being searched for and this is, understandably, a stumbling block.

    The value that is being searched is called the internal rate of return (IRR) for which there is no closed form; you have to calculate it the hard way or use numerical methods. Calculating the annual percentage rate is a special case of the IRR where all the payments are equal and the loan runs to term. That means that the equation is the following:

    P is the principal/loan amount, m is monthly payment, i is the interest rate, N is number of months

    0 = P - Sum[k=1..N](m*(1+i)^(-k))

    And we have to solve for i. The above equation is equivalent to:

    P = Sum[k=1..N](m*(1+i)^(-k))
    P = m * Sum[k=1..N]((1+i)^(-k))  // monthly payments all the same
    P/m = Sum[k=1..N]((1+i)^(-k))

    There are some formulas to get the closed form for the sum on the right hand side which result in the following equation which relates all the quantities that we know already (term, loan, and monthly payment amount) and which is far more tractable:

    monthlyPayment = loanAmount * interestRate * ((1 + interestRate)^numberOfPayments)/(((1 + interestRate)^numberOfPayments) - 1)

    To reduce typing let:

    • P is the principal/loan amount
    • m is recurring payment amount
    • N is total number of payments

    So the equation whose roots we have to find is:

    F(x) = P * x * ((1 + x)^N)/(((1 + x)^N) - 1) - m 

    To use the Newton-Rhapson method we need the first derivative of F with respect to x:

    F_1(x) = P * ( (1 + x)^N/(-1 + (1 + x)^N) - ((N * x * (1 + x)^(-1 + 2*N))/(-1 + (1 + x)^N)^2) + (N * x * (1 + x)^(-1 + N))/(-1 + (1 + x)^N) )

    The following code in Groovy does the proper calculation:

    numPay = 360
    payment = 1153.7
    amount = 165000
    double error = Math.pow(10,-5)
    double approx = 0.05/12 // let's start with a guess that the APR is 5% 
    double prev_approx
    def F(x) {
      return amount * x * Math.pow(1 + x,numPay)/(Math.pow(1 + x,numPay) - 1) - payment
    def F_1(x) {
      return amount * ( Math.pow(1 + x,numPay)/(-1 + Math.pow(1 + x,numPay)) - numPay * x * Math.pow(1 + x,-1 + 2*numPay)/Math.pow(-1 + Math.pow(1 + x,numPay),2) + numPay * x * Math.pow(1 + x,-1 + numPay)/(-1 + Math.pow(1 + x,numPay))) 
    println "initial guess $approx"
    for (k=0;k<20;++k) {
           prev_approx = approx
           approx = prev_approx - F(prev_approx)/F_1(prev_approx)
           diff = Math.abs(approx-prev_approx)
           println "new guess $approx diff is $diff"
           if (diff < error) break
    apr = Math.round(approx * 12 * 10000)/100 // this way we get APRs like 7.5% or 6.55%
    println "APR is ${apr}% final approx $approx "

    I did not use the provided code since it was a bit murky (plus it did not work for me). I derived this from the definitions of Newton-Rhapson and monthly mortage payments equation. The approximation converges very quickly (10^-5 within 2 or 3 iterations)

    NOTE: I am not able to get this link to be properly inserted for the text where the first derivative is first mentioned:*+((1+%2B+x)^n)/(((1+%2B+x)^n)+-+1)+-m+)

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