I know php and nodejs too,in javascript we have asynchronize programming ,so I understand meaning of event in it.but I saw Event in Yii and Zend 2 and use t
An event is an abstraction for callback functions with their name.
Typically, we'd define them as $eventName => $listener
, where $listener
is a callback function for the $eventName
Again - the core point to remember, is that events are callback functions. Nothing more.
The only difference between them, is how we do invoke them.
An event is defined on bootstrap step with its required arguments, but invoked on demand without arguments. While the callback function is invoked with arguments and only
Consider this example,
$eventManager = new EventManager();
$eventManager->attach('my_event', function(){
}, array('foo', 'bar'));
As we have just defined an event, we'd invoke like,
This will output: Array([0] => [foo], [1] => [bar]
Since most of us are familiar with JavaScript even-driven architecture, its worth nothing to mention an example of its common usage:
var a = document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
a.onclick = function(event) { // <-- We define an event with the event argument
alert('A element was clicked');
a.click(); // <-- but we invoke it without arguments
// or If you want a Jquery
alert('A element was clicked');
Since in PHP we don't have such event-driven nature, we can replace it with our own class that manage events and takes a full advantage of it.
While events confuse so many people, they are extremely useful.
Imagine you have a Content Management System (CMS), where your users can decide how to handle 404
errors. Say, they can handle with
1) Show a blank page
2) Redirect to /
3) Show a custom message
Without events you would have to do it, like
if ($router->isMatched($request)){
//do dispatch etc
} else {
// Here you start handling 404 errors
case 'show_blank':
case 'show_msg':
echo 'Some custom message';
case 'redirect':
// do redirect
With an event you can simplify the readability and keep the code more maintainable:
if ($router->isMatched($request)){
// do dispatch
} else {
while 404_handler
itself looks like
$eventManager->attach('404_handler', function(){
case 'show_blank':
case 'show_msg':
echo 'Some custom message';
case 'redirect':
// do redirect
}, $config);
1) Events improve readability, which is great for future
2) Events do adhere to the Single-Responsibility Principle, because you can simply inject $eventManager
to your classes that need it, while callback functions could break it or could introduce a global state too (Which is bad for unit-testings).
3) There are distinct types of logic - template logic, business logic, error handler logic, data access logic etc etc. Events do simplify your application logic by decoupling business (or another kind) logic from its configuration logic, so that you end up with clear application logic.
You can watch this lecture if you want to know how they do work in Zend Framework 2 (watch it even if you're not familiar with Zend Framework 2)
Events in MVC-related architectures
Since you've been talking about frameworks, its worth nothing to mention, that there could be events in MVC-related
architectures too. And since events are callback functions you can abstract common boostrap
events in your MVC-like architecture, like this.
$mvcEvent->on(MVC_EVENT::ROUTE_MATCH, function(){
$mvcEvent->on(MVC_EVENT::DISTPATCH, function($content){
echo $mvcEvent->trigger(MVC_EVENT::RENDER, $content);
Note : In pure MVC theory, there are no events at all. They do acts as helpers, but again - in frameworks you can abstract them and call them "events".
This article helped me understrand EventManager in ZF2:
The Event Manager is the component of the framework which allows you to hook in to named events in your application.
There are an existing set of named events in the framework, such as the dispatch event in controllers. You can also create your own as suits your application’s purpose. That’s step one. Then, you attach (or listen) to those events. When they fire – or are triggered – your code interrogates the context of the event and responds if needed.
reference: http://www.maltblue.com/tutorial/zend-framework-2-event-manager-a-gentle-introduction