I have a very big file, like this:
[PATTERN1] line1 line2 line3 ... ... [END PATTERN] [PATTERN2] line1 line2 ... ... [END PATTERN]
I need to extract
I am kind of a new python programmer so I only barely understand your solution, but it seems like there is a lot of unnecessary iteration going on. First you read in the file, then you iterate through the file once for each item in name_list
. Also, I don't know if you plan to iterate over newfile
later to actually write it to a file.
Here is how I would do it, though I realize it isn't the most pythonic looking solution. You'll only iterate over the file once though. (As a disclaimer, I didn't test this out.)
patterns = {'startPattern1':"endPattern1", 'startPattern2':"endPattern2", 'startPattern3':"endPattern3"}
fileIn = open(filenameIn, 'r')
fileOut = open(filenameOut, 'w')
targetEndPattern = None
for line in fileIn:
if targetEndPattern is not None:
if line == targetEndPattern:
targetEndPattern = None
fileOut.write(line + "\n")
elif line in patterns:
targetEndPattern = patterns[line]
EDIT: If you are expecting the patterns in a certain order, then this solution would have to be revised. I wrote this under the assumption that the order of the patterns doesn't matter but each start pattern matches a specific end pattern.
I think this does the same thing your code does:
pattern = None
for line in FILE:
if line[0] == "[" and line[-1] == "]":
pattern = line[1:-1]
if pattern == "END PATTERN":
pattern = None
elif pattern is not None and pattern in name_list:
This way you go through all the lines only once, and fill your list as you go.
Use something like
import re
with open('myfile') as file:
match = False
newfile = None
for line in file:
if re.match(START_PATTERN, line):
match = True
newfile = open('my_new_file.txt', 'w')
elif re.match(END_PATTERN, line):
match = False
elif match:
This will iterate the file without reading it all into memory. It also writes directly to your new file, rather than appending to a list in memory. If your source is large enough that too may become an issue.
Obviously there are numerous modifications you may need to make to this code; perhaps a regex pattern is not required to match a start/end line, in which case replace it with something like if 'xyz' in line
# hi
# there
# begin
# need
# this
# stuff
# end
# skip
# this
with open(__file__) as fp:
for line in iter(fp.readline, '# begin\n'):
for line in iter(fp.readline, '# end\n'):
print line
prints "need this stuff"
More flexible (e.g. to allow re pattern matching) is to use itertools drop- and takewhile:
with open(__file__) as fp:
result = list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x: 'end' not in x,
itertools.dropwhile(lambda x: 'begin' not in x, fp)))
i would go with a generator-based solution
#!/usr/bin/env python
start_patterns = ('PATTERN1', 'PATTERN2')
end_patterns = ('END PATTERN')
def section_with_bounds(gen):
section_in_play = False
for line in gen:
if line.startswith(start_patterns):
section_in_play = True
if section_in_play:
yield line
if line.startswith(end_patterns):
section_in_play = False
with open("text.t2") as f:
gen = section_with_bounds(f)
for line in gen:
print line