I\'m following this tutorial https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/latest/tutorials/deploy-to-fabric-multi-org to deploy a composer blockchain business network to Hyperledg
One of the reasons is using unsuitable node version. To add the Long Term Support (LTS) subversion of Node.js v8, we can use these commands:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | bash
source ~/.profile
nvm ls-remote
nvm install v8.16.0
nvm list
nvm use v8.16.0
node --version
You have target name overides set for the peers under grpc options, and you have verify:false set for the CAs - so it does not look like any host naming problem.
If you look at the logs for the Orderer, Peers and CA you will see more detail of the error you will probably find an MSP mismatch.
If errors in the logs don't point you to the immediate problem I would suggest searching through all your docker compose yaml files, and crypto-config.yaml and configtx.yaml for example
or example.com
as it is likely that one has been missed in your replacement with blockaviation. (Remember to also check the script.sh file, and the 2 yaml files in the base folder)