How to remove duplicate tuples from a list in python?

前端 未结 4 2007
伪装坚强ぢ 2021-01-03 11:22

I have a list that contains list of tuples as follows.

mylist = [[\'xxx\', 879], [\'yyy\', 315], [\'xxx\', 879], [\'zzz\', 171], [\'yyy\', 315]]
  • 2021-01-03 12:00

    The reason that you're not able to do this is because you have a list of lists and not a list of tuples.

    What you could do is:

    mytuplelist = [tuple(item) for item in mylist]
    mylist = list(set(mytuplelist))


    mylist = list(set(map(tuple, mylist)))
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  • 2021-01-03 12:02

    Another option:

    >>> mylist = [['xxx', 879], ['yyy', 315], ['xxx', 879], ['zzz', 171], ['yyy', 315]]
    >>> y = []
    >>> for x in mylist:
    ...     if not x in y:
    ...             y+=[x]
    >>> y
    [['xxx', 879], ['yyy', 315], ['zzz', 171]]
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  • 2021-01-03 12:13

    You need to write code that keeps the first of the sub-lists, dropping the rest. The simplest way to do this is to reverse mylist, load it into an dict object, and retrieve its key-value pairs as lists again.

    >>> list(map(list, dict(mylist).items()))

    Or, using a list comprehension -

    >>> [list(v) for v in dict(mylist).items()]

    [['zzz', 171], ['yyy', 315], ['xxx', 879]]

    Note, that this answer does not maintain order! Also, if your sub-lists can have more than 2 elements, an approach involving hashing the tuplized versions of your data, as @JohnJosephFernandez' answer shows, would be the best thing to do.

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  • 2021-01-03 12:21

    It seems like you want to preserve order. In that case you can keep a set that keeps track of what lists have been added.

    Here is an example:

    mylist = [['xxx', 879], ['yyy', 315], ['xxx', 879], ['zzz', 171], ['yyy', 315]]
    # set that keeps track of what elements have been added
    seen = set()
    no_dups = []
    for lst in mylist:
        # convert to hashable type
        current = tuple(lst)
        # If element not in seen, add it to both
        if current not in seen:

    Which Outputs:

    [['xxx', 879], ['yyy', 315], ['zzz', 171]]

    Note: Since lists are not hashable, you can add tuples instead to the seen set.

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