Ruby noob here. Trying to display a list of points as a polygon on a google map using the gmaps4rails gem (awesome gem by the way). Any suggestions based on code sample be
Gmaps4rails doesn't provide any builtin method to create the js for polygons.
The one you use is malformed, see doc:
I passed their base tutorial (from screen cast) and markers works fine. But I had problem with polylines (as you with polygons). At the end I resolved my problem (it can help you with polygons). So, view is the same as they gave :
<%= gmaps({
"polylines" => { "data" => @bemap_polylines }
The model is also the same as their.
class Character < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :bemap
def gmaps4rails_address
#describe how to retrieve the address from your model, if you use directly a db column, you can dry your code, see wiki
address address
So, the main problem was into controller. Here is mine :
def show
@bemap = Bemap.find(params[:id])
@bemap_polylines = []
@bemap_characters = []
@bemap.characters.each do |v|
@bemap_characters << { :lng => v[:longitude], :lat => v[:latitude]}
@bemap_polylines << @bemap_characters
@bemap_polylines = @bemap_polylines.to_json
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
format.json { render json: @bemap }