I have a uEye camera and I take snapshots of images at a 1000ms interval and I want to render them in a WPF Image Control like so
Bitmap MyBitmap;
// get
Here the way we do (for me it works at 200fps without loading CPU (about 5%)):
private WriteableBitmap PrepareForRendering(VideoBuffer videoBuffer) {
PixelFormat pixelFormat;
if (videoBuffer.pixelFormat == PixFrmt.rgb24) {
pixelFormat = PixelFormats.Rgb24;
} else if (videoBuffer.pixelFormat == PixFrmt.bgra32) {
pixelFormat = PixelFormats.Bgra32;
} else if (videoBuffer.pixelFormat == PixFrmt.bgr24) {
pixelFormat = PixelFormats.Bgr24;
} else {
throw new Exception("unsupported pixel format");
var bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(
videoBuffer.width, videoBuffer.height,
96, 96,
pixelFormat, null
_imgVIew.Source = bitmap;
return bitmap;
private void DrawFrame(WriteableBitmap bitmap, VideoBuffer videoBuffer, double averangeFps) {
if (isPaused) {
try {
using (var ptr = videoBuffer.Lock()) {
new Int32Rect(0, 0, videoBuffer.width, videoBuffer.height),
ptr.value, videoBuffer.size, videoBuffer.stride,
0, 0
} finally {
fpsCaption.Text = averangeFps.ToString("F1");