Wait a sec... If I read your question literally, you're trying something like this:
<a href="#"><img src="${resource(dir:"images",
file: "${fieldValue(bean: productInstance, field: "image")} ") }"/></a>
Well, that's convoluted and wrong. This should work:
<a href="#"><img src="${fieldValue(bean: productInstance, field: "image")}"/></a>
The proper syntax to avoid a syntax errors would be:
<img src="${resource(dir:'images', file:fieldValue(bean:productInstance, field:'image'))}" />
But I recommend you write your own tagLib, because it is really very simple to write one and your GSPs will look much nicer if you are going to use this code a lot. You could easily write a tag that would be called something like:
<product:image product='productInstance' />
and for extra usability you could make the tagLib output the link as well.
The simplicity of writing tagLibs is really one of the best grails features in my opinion.
I needed a secured solution that was made in combination of http://grails.asia/grails-example-application-simple-document-management-system and http://grails.asia/grails-render-images-on-the-fly-in-gsp . For that purpouse i used a Domain where i store the path of images, a gsp to show the images and a Controller to serve the images
class Document {
String filename
String fullPath
Date uploadDate = new Date()
static constraints = {
Grails Server Page:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="layout" content="main">
<title>Document List</title>
<div class="content scaffold-list" role="main">
<h1>Document List</h1>
<g:if test="${flash.message}"><div class="message" role="status">${flash.message}</div></g:if>
<g:sortableColumn property="filename" title="Filename" />
<g:sortableColumn property="uploadDate" title="Upload Date" />
<g:sortableColumn property="Preview" title="Vista Previa" />
<g:each in="${documentInstanceList}" status="i" var="documentInstance">
<tr class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'}">
<td><g:link action="download" id="${documentInstance.id}">${documentInstance.filename}</g:link></td>
<td><g:formatDate date="${documentInstance.uploadDate}" /></td>
<td><g:img style="height:120px;width:120px;" uri="/doclist/images?id=${documentInstance.id}" /></td>
<div class="pagination">
<g:paginate total="${documentInstanceTotal}" />
import org.springframework.security.access.annotation.Secured
class DoclistController {
def list(){
params.max = 10
[documentInstanceList: Document.list(params), documentInstanceTotal: Document.count()]
//render view: 'list'
def images(long id){
Document documentInstance = Document.get(id)
if ( documentInstance == null) {
flash.message = "Document not found."
redirect (action:'list')
} else {
def file = new File(documentInstance.fullPath)
def fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file)
def outputStream = response.getOutputStream()
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
int len;
while ((len = fileInputStream.read(buffer)) > 0) {
outputStream.write(buffer, 0, len);
I show the images of database as follows
Hope this helps
I save the image storagePath in Database like ../../../web-
extension using FileUploadService.
For displaying images in GSP
<img style="height:120px;width:102px;"src="${resource(dir:'personImages',file:domainInstance.id + '.png')}" />
First Use FileUploadSevices file
class PersonalDetails {
String avatar
static constraints = {
avatar(nullable:true,maxSize: 1024000)
// Save Avatar if uploaded
def avatarImage = request.getFile('avatar')
if (!avatarImage.isEmpty()) {
personalDetailsInstance.avatar = fileUploadService.uploadFile(avatarImage,
"${personalDetailsInstance.id}.png", "personImages")
In avatar file :
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Documents\workspace-ggts-3.4.0.RELEASE\IDiary\web-app\personImages/1.png
<img style="height: 120px;width: 102px;"src="${resource(dir:'personImages', file: personalDetailsInstance.id + '.png')}" />