Opening an app from within another app is managed in iOS through the "url scheme" mechanism. If an app defines an url scheme, and this scheme is public, you can then use it to run that app.
Basic rule is to first check that your device supports that scheme (e.g. you cannot make a phone call on an iPad because the phone app is not installed) and then, if the answer is positive, call it:
if([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:myURL]) {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:myURL];
} else {
// do something else, e.g. inform the user that he/she cannot open the app
This check is important as for some schemes, e.g. the phone one, the system checks is the url is well formed or not. E.g.: for phone numbers space between digits is not supported.
The most common Apple URL schemes are described here:
In particular, the telephone url scheme is here:
Finally there is a web site, called handleOpenURL that is trying to collect all apps url schemes. If you define an app that exposes an url scheme and you want it to be public, don't hesitate to post it in this site.