/proc/net/tcp gives me a local address, port, and inode number for a socket ( and 9289, for example).
I\'d like to find the PID for a specific process, g
I do not know how to do this in python, but you could use lsof(1)
lsof -i | awk -v sock=158384387 '$6 == sock{print $2}'
is the inode for the socket. And then call it from python using subprocess.Popen
You will have to use sudo(8) if you want to see sockets opened by other users.
The following code accomplishes the original goal:
def find_pid(inode):
# get a list of all files and directories in /proc
procFiles = os.listdir("/proc/")
# remove the pid of the current python process
# set up a list object to store valid pids
pids = []
for f in procFiles:
# convert the filename to an integer and back, saving the result to a list
integer = int(f)
except ValueError:
# if the filename doesn't convert to an integer, it's not a pid, and we don't care about it
for pid in pids:
# check the fd directory for socket information
fds = os.listdir("/proc/%s/fd/" % pid)
for fd in fds:
# save the pid for sockets matching our inode
if ('socket:[%d]' % inode) == os.readlink("/proc/%s/fd/%s" % (pid, fd)):
return pid