I search a lot on internet but couldn\'t find the exact solution. Here is the link that i last tried from SO. Get selected Chips from a ChipGroup
I want to get selec
the solution I used in Kotlin with data binding
?.filter { (it as Chip).isChecked }
?.forEach { //here are your selected chips as 'it' }
And here is how I got just titles
?.filter { (it as Chip).isChecked }
?.joinToString(", ") { (it as Chip).text }
Starting with the version 1.2.0 you can use the method chipGroup.getCheckedChipIds()
List<Integer> ids = chipGroup.getCheckedChipIds();
for (Integer id:ids){
Chip chip = chipGroup.findViewById(id);
OLD ANSWER with 1.1.0:
currently there isn't a direct API to get the selected chips.
However you can iterate through the children of the ChipGroup
and check chip.isChecked()
ChipGroup chipGroup = findViewById(R.id.....);
for (int i=0; i<chipGroup.getChildCount();i++){
Chip chip = (Chip)chipGroup.getChildAt(i);
if (chip.isChecked()){
//this chip is selected.....
I used below mentioned method to detect the selected chips in chipGroup.
for (chipTitle in stringList) {
val chip = Chip(chipGroup.context)
chip.text = chipTitle
chip.tag = chipTitle
chip.isClickable = true
chip.isCheckable = true
chip.setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, isChecked ->
if (isChecked){
Log.e(TAG, chipTitle)
chipGroup.isSingleSelection = true