The function i\'m trying to call is:
void FormatError (HRESULT hrError,PCHAR pszText);
from a custom dll using windll.
At the very least, you'll get more descriptive errors if you properly set up the argtypes and the restype.
Try doing it this way:
windll.thedll.FormatError.argtypes = [ctypes.HRESULT, ctypes.c_char_p]
windll.thedll.FormatError.restype = None
There's also a very good chance you are using the wrong calling convention -- check out the Calling Functions section and the Loading Libraries section for details on how to use a different calling convention.
Actually I think you want to use FormatError as provided by ctypes
Windows only: Returns a textual description of the error code. If no error code is specified, the last error code is used by calling the Windows api function GetLastError.
Have you tried to use the ctypes.HRESULT?