How I can keep all the current formatting for a file type but add functionality.
I would like to highlight colors in .vim files so t
I would expect the ~/.vim/after/syntax/vim.vim
approach to work, but if the keyword (yellow) is already highlighted, you may need to change the matcher with something like:
syn keyword yellow yellow containedin=ALL
What is the file you're trying to highlight?
I've had a look at the java.vim file and it looks like there's a lot of overlapping syntax groups, which can make highlight customisation quite difficult. Here's what I did, in case it's helpful.
A useful mapping is:
" What is the current syntax highlighting group?
map <F3> :echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans<' . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") . "> lo<" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name") . ">" . " FG:" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"fg#") . " BG:" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"bg#")<CR>
You can then move the cursor over something you're interested in and press F3 to see what the current highlight group is. As a test, I opened java.vim in the syntax directory and went to line 52, which defines a javaStorageClass. I decided to highlight the word transient
on that line (as yellow
wasn't in the file anywhere and I needed something to work with).
I moved the cursor over transient
and pressed F3. Vim reported:
hi<vimSynKeyRegion> trans<vimSynKeyRegion> lo<vimSynKeyRegion> FG: BG:
It is obviously part of a vimSynKeyRegion, which one would guess from the name is a syn region
. I decided to look at this further, so I interrogated the current highlighting configuration:
:redir @a>
:silent syn list
:redir END
This produces a file containing all of the syntax information. I searched for vimSynKeyRegion
and found this line:
vimSynKeyRegion xxx matchgroup=vimGroupName start=/\k\+/ skip=/\\\\\|\\|/ matchgroup=vimSep end=/|\|$/ contained oneline keepend contains=@vimSynKeyGroup
The vimSynKeyRegion
has been configured to contain items from the syntax cluster named vimSynKeyGroup
. Therefore, we can highlight transient
by making it a keyword in this group:
:syn keyword MyNewGroup transient
:hi MyNewGroup guifg=#ff00ff
:syn cluster vimSynKeyGroup add=MyNewGroup
Although this may not fit exactly into what you're wanting to do, hopefully it will give you something to work with. You may find some parts cannot be overridden (if they're matched with keywords or similar), but you can always redefine the highlighting to change the colour, e.g.
:hi vimGroupName guifg=#ffff00
Hope all of that helps.
Here's a direct answer for coloring just the word yellow.
syn cluster vimHiCtermColors contains=vimHiCtermColorYellow
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorYellow yellow contained
syn match vimHiCtermFgBg contained "\ccterm[fb]g="he=e-1 nextgroup=vimNumber,vimHiCtermColor,@vimHiCtermColors,vimFgBgAttrib,vimHiCtermError
highlight vimHiCtermColorYellow ctermfg=yellow
And here's a solution for coloring all the color terminal names. They are only colored in the terminal (not the GUI), and other attributes (256-color terminal, GUI colors, attributes such as bold) are not highlighted at all. To extend this further, you'd probably want some sort of script to iterate over all the possible values.
syn cluster vimHiCtermColors contains=vimHiCtermColorBlack,vimHiCtermColorBlue,vimHiCtermColorBrown,vimHiCtermColorCyan,vimHiCtermColorDarkBlue,vimHiCtermColorDarkcyan,vimHiCtermColorDarkgray,vimHiCtermColorDarkgreen,vimHiCtermColorDarkgrey,vimHiCtermColorDarkmagenta,vimHiCtermColorDarkred,vimHiCtermColorDarkyellow,vimHiCtermColorGray,vimHiCtermColorGreen,vimHiCtermColorGrey,vimHiCtermColorLightblue,vimHiCtermColorLightcyan,vimHiCtermColorLightgray,vimHiCtermColorLightgreen,vimHiCtermColorLightgrey,vimHiCtermColorLightmagenta,vimHiCtermColorLightred,vimHiCtermColorMagenta,vimHiCtermColorRed,vimHiCtermColorWhite,vimHiCtermColorYellow
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorBlack black contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorBlue blue contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorBrown brown contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorCyan cyan contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorDarkBlue darkBlue contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorDarkcyan darkcyan contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorDarkgray darkgray contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorDarkgreen darkgreen contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorDarkgrey darkgrey contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorDarkmagenta darkmagenta contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorDarkred darkred contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorDarkyellow darkyellow contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorGray gray contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorGreen green contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorGrey grey contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorLightblue lightblue contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorLightcyan lightcyan contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorLightgray lightgray contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorLightgreen lightgreen contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorLightgrey lightgrey contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorLightmagenta lightmagenta contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorLightred lightred contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorMagenta magenta contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorRed red contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorWhite white contained
syn keyword vimHiCtermColorYellow yellow contained
syn match vimHiCtermFgBg contained "\ccterm[fb]g="he=e-1 nextgroup=vimNumber,@vimHiCtermColors,vimFgBgAttrib,vimHiCtermError
highlight vimHiCtermColorBlack ctermfg=black
highlight vimHiCtermColorBlue ctermfg=blue
highlight vimHiCtermColorBrown ctermfg=brown
highlight vimHiCtermColorCyan ctermfg=cyan
highlight vimHiCtermColorDarkBlue ctermfg=darkBlue
highlight vimHiCtermColorDarkcyan ctermfg=darkcyan
highlight vimHiCtermColorDarkgray ctermfg=darkgray
highlight vimHiCtermColorDarkgreen ctermfg=darkgreen
highlight vimHiCtermColorDarkgrey ctermfg=darkgrey
highlight vimHiCtermColorDarkmagenta ctermfg=darkmagenta
highlight vimHiCtermColorDarkred ctermfg=darkred
highlight vimHiCtermColorDarkyellow ctermfg=darkyellow
highlight vimHiCtermColorGray ctermfg=gray
highlight vimHiCtermColorGreen ctermfg=green
highlight vimHiCtermColorGrey ctermfg=grey
highlight vimHiCtermColorLightblue ctermfg=lightblue
highlight vimHiCtermColorLightcyan ctermfg=lightcyan
highlight vimHiCtermColorLightgray ctermfg=lightgray
highlight vimHiCtermColorLightgreen ctermfg=lightgreen
highlight vimHiCtermColorLightgrey ctermfg=lightgrey
highlight vimHiCtermColorLightmagenta ctermfg=lightmagenta
highlight vimHiCtermColorLightred ctermfg=lightred
highlight vimHiCtermColorMagenta ctermfg=magenta
highlight vimHiCtermColorRed ctermfg=red
highlight vimHiCtermColorWhite ctermfg=white
highlight vimHiCtermColorYellow ctermfg=yellow
If you look in colors/vim.vim and search for cterm
, you'll see a line
syn match vimHiCtermFgBg contained "\ccterm[fb]g="he=e-1 nextgroup=vimNumber,vimHiCtermColor,vimFgBgAttrib,vimHiCtermError
This says that, when ctermfg=
or ctermbg=
is encountered, highlight the next word as vimNumber
, vimHiCtermColor
, vimFgBgAttrib
, or vimHiCtermError
. Looking at vimHiCtermColor
(a few lines above), we see
syn keyword vimHiCtermColor contained black blue brown cyan darkBlue darkcyan darkgray darkgreen darkgrey darkmagenta darkred darkyellow gray green grey lightblue lightcyan lightgray lightgreen lightgrey lightmagenta lightred magenta red white yellow
This lists all of the color terminal names, and they are highlighted as keywords with the same syntax group. So, instead of highlighting them all together, we can highlight them separately. The four lines of the first solution above describe the steps:
containing each of the groups in step 2.vimHiCtermFgBg
definition to use @vimHiCtermColors
instead of vimHiCtermColor
.The reason why what you tried did not work is twofold. First, the syntax groups specified in the nextgroup
are preferred over general groups (your yellow
group, in particular). But, you may say, "What about containedin=ALL
?" This is the second point. Keywords are individual units and cannot contain anything else. The original vimHiCtermColor
group was all keywords, so your containedin=ALL
could not override it. If vimHiCtermColor
had been a match instead of a keyword, it may have worked.