I have two sets of data, and I want to plot using bar graph. But the problem is these two sets of data are at quite different scale. If I just use the bar(A)
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This uses the plotyy(x1,y1,x2,y2,fun1,fun2)
variant of plotyy:
%// Set these three variables as desired
offset = (x(2)-x(1))/8;
width = (x(2)-x(1))/4;
colors = {'b','g'};
%// Do the plot
plotyy(x-offset,y1,x+offset,y2, @(x,y) bar(x,y,width,colors{1}), @(x,y) bar(x,y,width,colors{2}));
If you prefer x-ticks to appear only on used x values:
h = plotyy(x-offset,y1,x+offset,y2, @(x,y) bar(x,y,width,colors{1}), @(x,y) bar(x,y,width,colors{2}));