I have a Google Spreadsheet with about 3000 rows of data (and about 30 columns). The data is laid out in standard fashion with column headers and one row per data item. The
Unfortunately it's not currently possible to directly load Google Visualisation API in a Google Apps Script project. You do have a couple of options though:
Use the noSQL storage build into Google Apps Script (ScriptDb) to read the spreadsheet into a database before querying the response.
Forget querying the data in Apps Script and use the QUERY formula in a sheet (this uses the same syntax as the Google Visualization API Query Language
If using old Sheets you can File > Publish to the web and then query the data in your script using the URL Fetch Service and calling the data by Setting the Query in the Data Source URL <- the problem with this way is you've potentially got a lot of work to process the returned data which can be html, csv or json. This simple tool helps you build the datasource url.
Personally, depending on the scenario, I'd try #2 but failing that go with #1
I've managed to use UrlFetchApp
to get the data.
function test_getSheetsQueryResult()
var fileId = '1WO3PEycHGtfG-yd4V-B6EfKkVYMC73EqDBPqgAqcz3k';
var sheetName = 'Data';
var rangeA1 = 'A1:H11';
var sqlText = "select A, C, D, F, 'google' where E > 0";
var res = getSheetsQueryResult_(fileId, sheetName, rangeA1, sqlText);
Get Return
number => number
string => string
date => string
datetime => string
boolean => boolean
The function returns strings for dates because of 2 resons:
1. The string is automatically converted into a date when pasted into the sheet
2. There are multiple issues with dates (like different time zones) that could modify returned values
function getSheetsQueryResult_(fileId, sheetName, rangeA1, sqlText)
var file = SpreadsheetApp.openById(fileId);
var sheetId = file.getSheetByName(sheetName).getSheetId();
var request = 'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/' + fileId + '/gviz/tq?gid=' + sheetId + '&range=' + rangeA1 + '&tq=' + encodeURIComponent(sqlText);
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(request).getContentText();
// get json object
var from = result.indexOf("{");
var to = result.lastIndexOf("}")+1;
var jsonText = result.slice(from, to);
var parsedText = JSON.parse(jsonText);
// get types
var types = [];
var addType_ = function(col) { types.push(col.type); }
var cols = parsedText.table.cols;
// loop rows
var rows = parsedText.table.rows;
var result = [];
var rowQuery = [];
var eltQuery = {};
var row = [];
var nRows = rows[0].c.length;
var type = '';
for (var i = 0, l = rows.length; i < l; i++)
rowQuery = rows[i].c;
row = [];
// loop values
for (var k = 0; k < nRows; k++)
eltQuery = rowQuery[k];
type = types[k];
if (type === 'number') { row.push(parseInt(eltQuery.v)); }
if (type === 'boolean' || type === 'string') { row.push(eltQuery.v); }
else { row.push(eltQuery.f); }
return result;