[Edit #1 after @mrry comment] I am using the (great & amazing) Dataset API along with tf.contrib.data.rejection_resample to set a specific distribution
Here is below a simple example to demonstrate the usage of sample_from_datasets (thanks @Agade for the idea).
import math
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
def print_dataset(name, dataset):
elems = np.array([v.numpy() for v in dataset])
print("Dataset {} contains {} elements :".format(name, len(elems)))
def combine_datasets_balanced(dataset_smaller, size_smaller, dataset_bigger, size_bigger, batch_size):
ds_smaller_repeated = dataset_smaller.repeat(count=int(math.ceil(size_bigger / size_smaller)))
# we repeat the smaller dataset so that the 2 datasets are about the same size
balanced_dataset = tf.data.experimental.sample_from_datasets([ds_smaller_repeated, dataset_bigger], weights=[0.5, 0.5])
# each element in the resulting dataset is randomly drawn (without replacement) from dataset even with proba 0.5 or from odd with proba 0.5
balanced_dataset = balanced_dataset.take(2 * size_bigger).batch(batch_size)
return balanced_dataset
N, M = 3, 10
even = tf.data.Dataset.range(0, 2 * N, 2).repeat(count=int(math.ceil(M / N)))
odd = tf.data.Dataset.range(1, 2 * M, 2)
even_odd = combine_datasets_balanced(even, N, odd, M, 2)
print_dataset("even", even)
print_dataset("odd", odd)
print_dataset("even_odd_all", even_odd)
Output :
Dataset even contains 12 elements : # 12 = 4 x N (because of .repeat)
[0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4]
Dataset odd contains 10 elements :
[ 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19]
Dataset even_odd contains 10 elements : # 10 = 2 x M / 2 (2xM because of .take(2 * M) and /2 because of .batch(2))
[[ 0 2]
[ 1 4]
[ 0 2]
[ 3 4]
[ 0 2]
[ 4 0]
[ 5 2]
[ 7 4]
[ 0 9]
[ 2 11]]
Following @mrry response I could come up with a solution on how to use the Dataset API with tf.contrib.data.rejection_resample (using TF1.3).
The goal
Given a feature/label dataset with some distribution, have the input pipeline reshape the distribution to specific target distribution.
Numerical example
Lets assume we are building a network to classify some feature into one of 10 classes.
And assume we only have 100 features with some random distribution of labels.
30 features labeled as class 1, 5 features labeled as class 2
and so forth.
During training we do not want to prefer class 1 over class 2 so we would like each mini-batch to hold a uniform distribution for all classes.
The solution
Using tf.contrib.data.rejection_resample will allow to set a specific distribution for our inputs pipelines.
In the documentation it says tf.contrib.data.rejection_resample will take
(1) Dataset - which is the dataset you want to balance
(2) class_func - which is a function that generates a new numerical labels dataset only from the original dataset
(3) target_dist - a vector in the size of the number of classes to specificy required new distribution.
(4) some more optional values - skipped for now
and as the documentation says it returns a `Dataset.
It turns out that the shape of the input Dataset is different than the output Dataset shape. As a consequence, the returned Dataset (as implemeted in TF1.3) should be filtered by the user like this:
balanced_dataset = tf.contrib.data.rejection_resample(input_dataset,
# Return to the same Dataset shape as was the original input
balanced_dataset = balanced_dataset.map(lambda _, data: (data))
One note on the Iterator kind. As @mrry explained here, when using stateful objects within the pipeline one should use the initializable iterator and not the one-hot. Note that when using the initializable iterator you should add the init_op to the TABLE_INITIALIZERS or you will recieve this error: "GetNext() failed because the iterator has not been initialized."
Code example:
# Creating the iterator, that allows to access elements from the dataset
if self.use_balancing:
# For balancing function, we use stateful variables in the sense that they hold current dataset distribution
# and calculate next distribution according to incoming examples.
# For dataset pipeline that have state, one_shot iterator will not work, and we are forced to use
# initializable iterator
# This should be relaxed in the future.
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44374083/tensorflow-cannot-capture-a-stateful-node-by-value-in-tf-contrib-data-api
iterator = dataset.make_initializable_iterator()
tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TABLE_INITIALIZERS, iterator.initializer)
iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
image_batch, label_batch = iterator.get_next()
Does it work ?
Yes. Here are 2 images from Tensorboard after collection a histogram on the input pipeline labels. The original input labels were uniformly distributed. Scenario A: Trying to achieve the following 10-class distribution: [0.1,0.4,0.05,0.05,0.05,0.05,0.05,0.05,0.1,0.1]
And the result:
Scenario B: Trying to achieve the following 10-class distribution: [0.1,0.1,0.05,0.05,0.05,0.05,0.05,0.05,0.4,0.1]
And the result: