I would like to iterate through members of any class in a referenced library much like is done using the Object Browser. How can this be done using VBA?
This may be helpful http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/bb985086.aspx
If you have VB6 installed - then you can try tlbinf32.dll. AFAIR - if has number of classes to get info of any typelibrary See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/224331
Actually, how to do this is undocumented, but is possible. If your looking to implement a for..Each syntax for a collection, then you can do the following:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public colT As New Collection
Public Function NewEnum() As IUnknown
Set NewEnum = colT.[_NewEnum]
End Function
Public Property Get NextItem() As IUnknown
Attribute NextItem.VB_UserMemId = -4
Attribute NextItem.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
Set NextItem = colT.[_NewEnum]
End Property
Note the Attribute settings in the above. You have to use the SaveAsText and edit code as above in notepad. You then re-import the code using loadfromText in the debug command line. Once you do the above, then you can go:
Dim n As clstest1
Dim v As Variant
Set n = New clstest1
[ code here that adds to collection]
For Each v In n
Debug.Print v
And, if you not looking to use for...each for a collection, you could/can also setup a default property of the class by going:
Public Property Get Item(Optional ndx As Integer = 1) As Variant
Attribute Item.VB_UserMemId = 0
Select Case ndx
Case 1: Item = Me.s1
Case 2: Item = Me.s2
Case 3: Item = Me.s3
End Select
End Property
Public Property Get count() As Integer
count = 3
End Property
Then, you can go:
Dim n As clstest1
Dim i As Integer
Set n = New clstest1
For i = 1 To n.count
Debug.Print n(i)
However, I not aware how you can automatic add each method/member of the class to a built-in object collection automatic (there is no way to serialize this with compiler options, but I have seen code with each procedure having Attribute Item.VB_UserMemId = 1, then 2 then 3). Perhaps someone with more knowledge can jump in).
However, as the above shows, you can implement a for..each for collections. And you can implement an index for each of the properties/methods if you create a custom item property. And, as the above shows, you can even set that item property you create as the default. I put in the "optional", and thus even:
debug.print n
Will work, or
debug.print n.Item(1)
Unfortunately, Access VBA doesn't support reflection. You could try creating your own abstraction of the object hierarchy that will inspect property values, etc. for you. You might start with something like this:
I found a KB from Microsoft which allowed me to do just that. It also covers iteration over Member details as well.
Private Sub ListClassesInAccess()
Dim TypeLibrary As TypeLibInfo
Dim ClassList As CoClasses
Dim i As Integer
Dim Path As String
Path = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\MSACC.OLB"
Set TypeLibrary = TypeLibInfoFromFile(Path)
Set ClassList = TypeLibrary.CoClasses
For i = 1 To ClassList.Count
MsgBox ClassList.Item(i).Name
Set TypeLibrary = Nothing
Set ClassList = Nothing
End Sub