I want the bars in a Pandas chart to each be given a different colour. The solution looks pretty simple according to this post and ones like it.
When I try to emulat
Let's use this code instead:
df.plot(kind='bar', # Plot a bar chart
legend=False, # Turn the Legend off
width=0.75, # Set bar width as 75% of space available
figsize=(8,5.8), # Set size of plot in inches
This should also work:*
This is different because df['Degree']
is a series.
Pandas Series seem to be plotted with each bar a different colour (presumably as each is assumed to be from a different category or label) whereas in a dataframe each series is assumed to be a set of values from one category so they are given the same colour.
For example:
s = pd.Series({'a': 100, 'b': 74, 'c': 50})
* Apparently for pandas versions < 0.17.0 you must use s.plot(kind='bar')
not s.plot.bar()
. I suspect the colour behaviour I am showing here is also version-specific. This demo was done with version 0.22.0.