This is the code:
fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (drop 1 fibs)
When evaluated, fibs
is an infinite list of Fibonacci number
Your "Because" is not telling the whole story. You're truncating the lists at "the story so far" and evaluating eagerly, then wondering where the rest comes from. That's not quite to grasp what's really going on, so good question.
What gets computed when you make the definition
fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (drop 1 fibs)
? Very little. Computation starts once you begin to use the list. Lazy computation happens only on demand.
What's a demand? You get to ask "are you []
or x : xs
?" and if it's the latter, you get a handle on the pieces.
When we ask that question of fibs
, we get that
fibs = x0 : xs0
x0 = 0
xs0 = 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (drop 1 fibs)
but that means (substituting for fibs
and then x0
xs0 = 1 : zipWith (+) (0 : xs0) (drop 1 (0 : xs0))
and when we ask again, we get that
xs0 = x1 : xs1
x1 = 1
xs1 = zipWith (+) (0 : xs0) (drop 1 (0 : xs0))
xs1 = zipWith (+) (0 : 1 : xs1) (drop 1 (0 : 1 : xs1))
but now it gets interesting, because we have to do some work. Just enough work to answer the question, mind? When we look at xs1
, we force zipWith
which forces drop
xs1 = zipWith (+) (0 : 1 : xs1) (drop 1 (0 : 1 : xs1))
= zipWith (+) (0 : 1 : xs1) (1 : xs1)
= (0 + 1) : zipWith (+) (1 : xs1) xs1
xs1 = x2 : xs2
x2 = 0 + 1 = 1
xs2 = zipWith (+) (1 : xs1) xs1
= zipWith (+) (1 : 1 : xs2) (1 : xs2)
See? We've maintained that we still know the first two elements of one zipped list, and the first element of the other. That means we'll be able to deliver the next output and refresh our "buffer". When we look at xs2
, we get
xs2 = zipWith (+) (1 : 1 : xs2) (1 : xs2)
= (1 + 1) : zipWith (1 : xs2) xs2
xs2 = x3 : xs3
x3 = 1 + 1 = 2
xs3 = zipWith (1 : xs2) xs2
= zipWith (1 : 2 : xs3) (2 : xs3)
and we're good to go again!
Each time we demand the next element, we also move one step further away from zipWith
running out of elements, which is just as well, just in the nick of time.
None of the discipline that makes values show up in the nick of time is expressed in the types. At the moment, it's for programmers to make sure that well typed programs don't go wrong by running out of data when a demand is made. (I have plans to do something about that, but I'll try not to digress here.)
The key is that lazy, "on demand" computation means that we don't have to truncate lists to just the elements we can see when the process starts. We just need to know that we can always take the next step.