There\'s a bunch of questions here on SO which provide answers to the present question, however the output is not the expected.
The goal is to merge two RGBA images.
From your initial description, the following idea seems to be equivalent. Let X, Y be two RGBA images. Merge X and Y considering the bands RGB from X and the bands RGBA from Y, producing an image Z. Set the band A in Z to that of the band A in X. This contradicts your final statement, but it seems to give the expected output in this situation.
So, this is the code:
image = '1.png'
watermark = '2.png'
wmark =
img =
ia, wa = None, None
if len(img.getbands()) == 4:
ir, ig, ib, ia = img.split()
img = Image.merge('RGB', (ir, ig, ib))
if len(wmark.getbands()) == 4:
wa = wmark.split()[-1]
img.paste(wmark, (0, 0), wmark)
if ia:
if wa:
# XXX This seems to solve the contradiction, discard if unwanted.
ia = max_alpha(wa, ia)
where the function max_alpha
def max_alpha(a, b):
# Assumption: 'a' and 'b' are of same size
im_a = a.load()
im_b = b.load()
width, height = a.size
alpha ='L', (width, height))
im = alpha.load()
for x in xrange(width):
for y in xrange(height):
im[x, y] = max(im_a[x, y], im_b[x, y])
return alpha
This new function seems to take into consideration the contradiction mentioned.