I know the recommended way in Swift is to use:
class Address {
var firstLine : String?
var secondLine : String?
but sometimes I see other
The choice depends on what you model.
If a property of the object that you model may be absent completely, e.g. a middle name, a name suffix, an alternative phone number, etc., it should be modeled with an optional. A nil
optional tells you that the property is not there - i.e. a person does not have a middle name or an alternative phone number. You should also use optional when you must distinguish between an empty object and a missing object.
If a property of the object must be set, and has a meaningful default, use an non-optional with a default:
class AddressList {
var addresses : [Address]
var separator : String = ";"
If users of your class need to change the separator, they have a way to do that. However, if they do not care about the separator, they can continue using the default without mentioning it in their own code.
Well you should use optionals if you think that the variable might not have a value. But if you're really sure that it's gonna have a value then you don't need to use them.
So only use non-optionals if you're sure that the variable will have a value else use optionals.