I have an array containing arrays of names and other details, in alphabetical order. Each array includes the first letter associated with the name.
You can group them easily, even if they aren't sorted:
foreach ($names as $name) {
$groups[$name[0]][] = $name[1];
You don't even need to store the first initial to group them:
$names = array(
'Alanis Morissette',
'Alesha Dixon',
'Alexandra Burke',
'Britney Spears',
'Bryan Adams',
foreach ($names as $name) {
$groups[$name[0]][] = $name;
Since your array is already sorted, you could just loop through and track the last letter shown. When it changes, you know you're on the next letter.
$lastChar = '';
foreach($singers as $s) {
if ($s[0] != $lastChar) echo "\n".$s[0]."\n - \n";
echo $s[1]."\n";
$lastChar = $s[0];